Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2nd Post...Moving Forward

I thought I'd follow up on last week's post and try to keep the momentum going!  As part of of my aspiration to become more involved with a global ed tech community I signed up for a MOOC https://courses.mooc-ed.org/dlt3/preview

I've also been reflecting on some of the successes I've had integrating technology this year.
 One app I was introduced to and have used with success both with a summer school class and a student I have been tutoring is called Frolyc.  https://www.frolyc.com/  This app allows me to differentiate instruction and easily design a mini lesson to use with a small group or individual student.  Recently I used the app with a 5th grade student I've been tutoring.  Using the umbrella of reading comprehension I broke the activity into three parts.  First, the student had to read a passage about Cross-Training.  Next, he answered a couple of open ended comprehension questions.  To end the activity he drew and labeled activities he'd include in a cross-training program for himself.

 What was really awesome to see was how engaged he was with the activity.  When I asked him how he felt about the activity he gave me a thumbs up, a big smile and asked if we could do another one next week.  One of the tools he really liked was the text to speech recognition so he could listen and follow along with what was being read.

Well that's two posts!  Here's to a 3rd!

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